Eternal love bouquet
Eternal Love Candle & Rose Bouquet
A timeless expression of love and passion, our Eternal Love Candle & Rose Bouquet blends the beauty of real fresh red roses with the elegance of handcrafted white floral candles. This luxurious arrangement is adorned with delicate baby breath and wrapped in a sophisticated black and red theme, making it the perfect gift for special occasions.
Fresh Red Roses “ A symbol of love, romance, and deep emotions.
Handmade White Floral Candles “ Intricately designed to complement the roses.
Baby Breath Accents “ Adding a touch of delicacy and charm.
Elegant Presentation “ Arranged in a premium hatbox with a satin bow.
Perfect for Gifting “ Ideal for anniversaries, proposals, weddings, and Valentines Day.
Surprise your loved one with a breathtaking blend of natural beauty and warm candlelight, only from Cozy Flammes