Sunshine Glow Candle Bouquet
Sunshine Glow Candle Bouquet
Brighten up any space with our Sunshine Glow Candle Bouquet, a radiant and cheerful arrangement designed to bring warmth and joy. This handcrafted bouquet features lifelike yellow and white floral candles, carefully arranged with delicate dried flowers for a touch of rustic charm.
Handcrafted Wax Flowers
“ Beautifully molded rose and daisy-shaped candles.
Vibrant Aesthetic “ A refreshing blend of sunshine yellow and soft white tones.
Premium Quality “ Made from high-quality wax for a clean and even burn.
Elegant Gift Option “ Perfect for birthdays, housewarmings, and special occasions.
Infuse your home with the glow of cozy elegance with this one-of-a-kind candle bouquet, exclusively from Cozy Flammes .